Thursday, June 4, 2015

Crotalus horrdus for blood bleeding control

crotalus horridus is a toxic medicine. Its called as crotalus in homeopathic medicine. This is like lakysys medicine in Toxic medicines.

Crotalus made with poison of 'Rattle Snake'.
American Doctor 'constantinc hering' was introduced this crotalus medicine i n Homeopathy. Homeopathic people called 2nd Hhanymann to   Dr.Constantinc.
Now a vaccine is preparing with rattle snake poison for anti snake bite.
Homeo potenses are are made crotalus medicine from this poison only. This medicine is useful for brain diseases and to avoid blood bleeding also.

Crotalus also useful for memory loss patients. These patients forget their house way also. They forget their close friends names also. They hates family members also. This is specialized symptom.

Crotalus useful for control to blood bleeding from nose, throat, along with urine and motion.
Blood bleeding may will happens in jaundice patients  or those who are suffering with toxic fevers.

Crotalus is useful for those patients who's totally collapsed. This is also useful for paralysis patients, heart problem patients and those who suffers with delirium disease.

Crotalus useful for liver infection patients. Those liver is not in condition to recover and bleeding from nose, mouth and with urine and motion.


Bold bleeding

How to recognize Crotalus required people:

  • Blood bleeding from Nose, Mouth, from Urine and Motion
  • Heavy Jaundice with lever infection. 
  • Jaundice  in diphtheria patients
  • ulcer or cancer intestines

Some more details about Crotalus:

  • Crotalus shows action on blood circulation system
  • Crotalus is useful for septic cases in homeopathy treatment. Bleeding blood become black. Bleeding will stop it will continue long  time. 
  • Tongue size become just long. Bleeding will start from nose. 
  • Throat pain, Tonsils swelling, pus, Diphtheria Symptoms may shown.
  • Blood may come out at the time of vomiting.

"Disclaimer: This Blog/site or post/article for just awareness of homeopathy only. Not for advice of medicine. If anybody interest to use homeopathy medicine please contact to your doctor. We are not responsible for any issue”

Friday, May 29, 2015

How to control feelings and Assumptions

Mag carb to control feelings and Assumptions 

magnesium carbonate or Magnesia Carbonia (Mag-c) homeopathy medicine related to esters. Its called as ‘Mag. carb.’ also.

This chemical will used in paper and color manufacturing units.

These medicine is useful for those who feels that I am not getting love and affection from family members and from others. Mag. carb. us useful for children and elders also.

These children patients are feels that ‘their parents are not thinking about to them’. If parents taken divorce they suffer more. This Meg orb is useful for children those who feels ‘their friends are cheated them’. 

Neuro problem will rise in these patients. They will not live with peaceful their life. They live with insecurity. These children look like very active and restless. This type of children called as hyper active.   

These patients suffer with problem of others related also.

How to recognize Mag. carb. required people:

  • Those who suffer from long time with sufferings
  • Those who reacts more for small sounds
  • If elder persons not showing interest in Vegetarian foods and they want to eat non-veg every day.
  • Those who suffers with feelings like ‘nobody caring me’ (children or elder)
  • Those who did not like struggle situation and they want peaceful life. 
  • Those who did not bother with any feelings when they are walking

Some more details about ‘Mag Carb’

  • Magnesia carb useful for those children want peaceful. They suffer with fear in day time.   They will Shiver also. They feel better in evenings.

  • Some sufferings and pains may rise when they eat hot food. Like suffering in nerves system. Headache or fear. If they suffer any type of body problems they will get fear.

  • The medicine is also useful for women at the time of periods or menses. If they suffers with cold and throat pain. Here one more important thing is if they suffer in left side of face only (Trigeminal neuralgia (TN, or TGN)   

  • At the time of periods bleeding will come night time only. And periods will come within three weeks only 

"Disclaimer: This Blog/site or post/article for just awareness of homeopathy only. Not for advice of medicine. If anybody interest to use homeopathy medicine please contact to your doctor. We are not responsible for any issue”

Monday, May 25, 2015

AETHUSA CYNAPIUM for controlling Milk Vomiting

AETHUSA CYNAPIUM is a plant related homeopathy medicine. This AETHUSA CYNAPIUM homeo medicine is specialized for children. This is the elixir for those children who vomiting milk. 

Mainly children may vomit milk when the teeth are raising in their mouth. Milk are not incompatible at this time. Some children vomit suddenly after drinking of milk, Some children after sometime. 

Aethusa is useful homeo medicine for children, those children who vomit milk. this vomit looks like green color, loose curd, bumps or cheese. 

These children become week and they will look like drowsy. They will not able to stand with reason of weakness. 

They will sleep early. They wake up in mid-night and they will cry with hungry. Mother will give breast milk or bottle milk with love and affection. The history will repeat.  Milk are not incompatible, vomiting will start and sometimes motions also happen. This situation leads to 'infantile cholera disease'.    


  • Infection in Intestinal, In the digestive tract and Brankatis                    
  • Vomiting
  • Pus in ear
  • Pain in stomach
  • Eyes not able to see lights

How to recognize Aethusa/ethuza require  patients:

  • incompatible of milk  
  • Vomiting like loose curd, bumps or cheese
  • Motions with incompatible of milk
  • Face become as glow less
  • If they like to pet animals more...

Some more details about Aethusa:

AETHUSA CYNAPIUM works on brain, neuro system and digestive system.

Aethusa required children suffers with vomiting, too much body pains, Fits may be to fall in some children, Child become  more weak. 

Aethusa weekly one dose will give result in children to control vomit milk.

Aethusa also give result to children those who are facing fear for exams.  

"Disclaimer: This Blog/site or post/article for just awareness of homeopathy only. Not for advice of medicine. If anybody interest to use homeopathy medicine please contact to your doctor. We are not responsible for any issue”

Friday, May 22, 2015

Pirogenium Homeopathy Medicine for Septic Fever

Pyrogen is a homeopathic medicine which is produced from decomposed meat/rotten meat . (Pyrogenium medicine’s raw material is Rotten meat). Dr. Driss Dale was introduced this medicine in to homeopathy in 1880. Phyrozen is specialized medicine for septic fevers.

'Aconite' is useful medicine for common fevers. Like that Pyrogen is useful for septic fevers.
Patient’s body temperature shows from 103 degrees to 106 degrees in septic fevers.  This temperature did not match with nerve counts. At this situation Phyrozen give results. Phyrozen is remedy for septic fevers.

In these patients body did not sweat. Fever may not in control even sweat accrued also.
Tongue  looks like clean with reddish and dry. Some cracks may observe on tongue. But white quoting will not found.

In women, there is a chance to attacking of septic fever after delivery, with below mentions any one of the reason.

  • If Placenta may not come out completely after delivery
  • If all precautions are not in good range
  • If any injury become as septic
Patient’s history may show injury in accident or loss of pregnancy or they may suffer typhoid fever or chronic malaria fever.

These patients may suffer with body movements. They did not like wet weather. They feel good in warm climate and hot water to bath. They will talk more….


Differences in nerve counting nadispandan, Gas trouble in stomach, no sweats or more sweats, breath disorders, patient body will not stable. Maternity fevers, Body disorders, sweats, Septic fevers, Chronic flu/Typhoid.

How to recognize Pyrogen required patients:

  • Septic fevers, Body pains, Instability
  • Cold in Spain, Suddenly fever, More sweating..
  • Raise in nerve counting, Heart beat will also raise but did not match with each other
  • Vomiting will happen after some time of consuming water
  • Bleeding with durvasana in women after delivery or loss of pregnancy.
  • Affect of infection after any surgery

Some more details:

Pyrogen is called as ‘nosode’ in homeopathy medicine. Some medicines will called as nosode to which medicine manufactured from human body refractories or animal body refractories . This is the specialty of homeopathy. Pyrogen is also useful medicine for ‘pus related’ diseases along with septic fevers.
Heart beat more than normal. Infection in lungs, Brankaities and numonia will affect in patients. Cold in bone joints. Suddenly fever.
These patients will talk more….and they didn’t understand what they are talking

"Disclaimer: This Blog/site or post/article for just awareness of homeopathy only. Not for advice of medicine. If anybody interest to use homeopathy medicine please contact to your doctor. We are not responsible for any issue”

Thursday, May 21, 2015

CINA Homeopathy Medicine for warms in Children


Round Warms in stomach, Attitude problems, stomach pains, Motions, Fever, Puss in Ear, Seizures…


  • Round Warms in stomach in child age
  • Children will ask more products to play or eat….If we give that products to them, they will throw those products
  • They could not tolerate to see to them also. They do not like to play or to eat.
  • Their body becomes like stiff when they are angry or when they facing cough.     
  • They feel hungry within no time after they eat something.
  •  If they irritate and crying regularly and they will beat beside people.
  • They will finger in nose regularly
  • Teeth bites in night sleeps.

More Details about cina:

  • Patient become weak, why because total food goes to warms only what they eat. Tongue looks like always clean.

  • They will look like unhappy; they will not sleep pleasantly in night time also.

  • Tiredness looks on eyes.

  • They will sleep or take rest in knee and chest position. They feel comfortable when they sleep on mother’s shoulder. Why because a pressure will develop on stomach in this position.

  • Cina is a plant related medicine. This is best medicine to children those who are look like pale and weak. Cyna also works on arrogant children. 

  • Those children irritate with warms and pin warms. That child does not like mother milk, and cow milk also not Incompatible to them.

  • Cina homeopathic medicine is useful at child stage only. 

"Disclaimer: This Blog/site or post/article for just awareness of homeopathy only. Not for advice of medicine. If anybody interest to use homeopathy medicine please contact to your doctor. We are not responsible for any issue”

Phytolacca for breast problems and breast cancer

Phytolacca is plant related homeopathy medicine. Phytolacca Dechondra is full name of this medicine. This medicine will prepare from bushes which is available in America (USA) and China. American doctors are introduced this medicine in homeopathy after their research.

Phytolacca is best medicine to treat problems of Breast, Bones and Glands. Phytolacca is useful for timely diseases and chronicle diseases. 

This is useful for chronic diseases of breast cancer and Glands of under arms or Glands in the armpit. Phytolacca also works on fever along Throat swelling, muscle pain.

Phytolacca is useful homeopathic medicine if patient suffers with flu fever, with body pains, sleep less, drowsiness.

Generally, ‘Rhus tox’ is useful medicine for body pains and imbalance, ‘Gelsemium’ is useful medicine for Exhaustion and drowsiness in homeopathy. But, if a patient suffers with above all symptoms Phytolacca is use full medicine in homeopathy. 

One more specialized symptom is throat become as reddish. When they want to eat something throat pain and ear pain will suffer them. Mainly a pain will increase in right ear.

In these patients throat pain will not suffer them when they eat hot food. Then ‘arsenicum  alb’ homeo medicine is best for in these patients.

If patients feels good with cool liquid drinks, then phytolacca give good results on these patients.


Breast pains, Knee pains, throat pains, Tonsils swelling, sciatica and Flu


  • Bumps in breast, Breast swelling and pain, Pain increased in the movements.
  • Breast become just hard and pain will develop.
  • Breast cancer through breast Bumps
  • If breast pain start on menses (periods) days.
  • Teeth gums pain will relax when press to them.
  • Throat itching and swallowing of saliva…

Some more details about Phytolacca:

  • These people didn’t feel shame. These people didn’t feel shame to look like naked also. These people does not like to cool places also.  

  • Exhaustion, body pains, instability on movements, Cancer and chest pains.

  • Cracks on breast nipple problem

  • Tonsils swelling problem

  • Some people will compare with mercury to phytolacca.  Why because this is useful medicine for glands, throat, bones related problems. This is called as ‘Vegetable Mercury’ also.  

"Disclaimer: This Blog/site or post/article for just awareness of homeopathy only. Not for advice of medicine. If anybody interest to use homeopathy medicine please contact to your doctor. We are not responsible for any issue”

Cocculus indicus for Vertigo and Journey Vomitings

Cocculus indicas or  Cocculus indicus is a plant related medicine. These plants are from Anamirta plants from India and Srilanka. Hhanymann was introduced this medicine in to homeopathy after his researches.

Cocculus indicus is best medicine for those who feel irritation, dumps or Nausea and vomiting in journey. It may car journey, Ship or plain journey. Cocculus indicus is best medicine for journey vomiting.

Some people will suffer with sleepless nights after journey. Some persons do services in nights to other patients, they will worry about their loved once health, with this they lived with sleepless nights.  With this two things they will become week.  This weakness leads to Vertigo, Exhaustion. At this time Caculas Indicus will give good result.

 for vertigo vomitings journey

How to recognize /Symptoms: 

  • If they suffering with Vertigo, dumps or Nausea
  • If they worried more about others
  • Spondylitis pain
  • Headache, dumps, vomiting in journey
  • Sufferings with less sleeps
  • Non - Tolerance with psychological pressure
  • Not in mood to eat even they hungry also
  • Walking disorder
  • Torpor in legs and Hands

Some more details about  Cocculus indicus :

  • Mind will concentrate on unlinked issues. They could not answer easily. They think lot to answer. Mind will concentrate on small small issues, and more on others related issues.

  • Not only vomiting in journey. They could not tolerate food to see also. They could not able to walk and stand also. They will suffer with Spondylitis  problem.

  • Women become more weak when their menses periods stage. They will not able to walk and stand in this stage.

  • Headache more on this patients. They will suffer with headache in journey and sleepless nights after journey. Some persons will suffer with headache when they drink alcohol.

  •  They will become as angry person. With this angry liver problem will start.

  • Menses may come frequently in women. Weakness will raise, stomach pain and white discharge may raise.

  • Muscle pains in neck, Head heaviness, dumps or Nausea in journey, vomiting, work pressure, sleepless nights.

  • Caculas indicas works more on Brain and Spain.    Calculus indicus is best medicine for Spain weakness, Motor nerves and paralysis. 
"Disclaimer: This Blog/site or post/article for just awareness of homeopathy only. Not for advice of medicine. If anybody interest to use homeopathy medicine please contact to your doctor. We are not responsible for any issue”

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How to Control MIGRAINE

  • 5 to 20 members are suffering with Migraine in 100 members
  • Migraine may affect in middle-aged people those who are 15 to 45 age.
  • This problem will affect in female than male.

How recognize people who suffering with migraine:

1.    Headache problem will raise more than 5 times in a motnth.
2.    Headache will continue 4 hours to 3 days.
3.    Headache will raise only one side minimum two times
4.    Non tolerance of sound and vomiting symptoms at the time of headache
5.    Headache with ‘Aura’…Aura means vision dullness, Light before eyes, Glittering and more shiny light symptoms are called ‘AURA”

What is the meaning of migraine?

Heavy Headache at any one side of head. This pain will start on backside of neck and it will pass to nearby any one eye. Migraine starts with vision dullness and talatiragadam. Stomach disorder and vomiting are common in migraine. Still now there is no scientifically evidence about stomach disorders in migraine. But, sometimes some chemicals may discharge more  in head nerves system then migraine will start.   


1.    Pressure on body and psychological
2.    Sleepless
3.    No time on  eating habits
4.    Hormones go high and low particularly in women when theirs periods time. At the time of menopause stage and pregnancy time   
5.    More Light, Heavy Sounds and More perfume smell also leads to migraine…..
6.    Smoking habits or beside of smokers
7.    Alcohol drinking habits or other drug addict habits may leads to Migraine.
Those who are staying away from above said 7 reasons, they avoid migraine…


I.Symptoms before migraine starts (PRODROME & AURA):

1.    This symptoms may raise before hours or before some minutes of migraine starts
2.    Irritation, Weakness, dullness and nirutsaham
3.    More interest on some types of foods
4.    Non tolerance of sounds and Lights
5.    vision dullness, Light before eyes, Glittering and more shiny light symptoms are called ‘AURA’

II. Symptoms before migraine starts:

1. Common headache to High headache
2. Headache in one side of headache
3. Headache will raise at the time of work
4. Pain may continue up to 72 hours. Stomach disorders and vomiting situation

III. Symptoms After migraine starts

1. More irritation
2. Weakness
3. Vomiting and Motions  

"Disclaimer: This Blog/site or post/article for just awareness of homeopathy only. Not for advice of medicine. If anybody interest to use homeopathy medicine please contact to your doctor. We are not responsible for any issue”

Monday, May 18, 2015

Injury Relief Medicine Arnica Homeo medicine

Arinca or Arnica montena is related to plant medicine.  This arnica medicine is poisonable. This Arnica medicine introduced in homeo for little bit dose only.

Arinca is useful for when accidents are happened, after delivery, after dental surgeries and other surgeries.

Germen poet and philosopher was used arnica as Tea for his heart pain to reduce. Arnica is very useful medicine for blood circulation.


·         Arthritis or joint pains, Head injury, delivery problems, bleeding in head, psoriasis

How to recognize Arnika required people:

  • ·         When they injured in a accident and shocked with that incident or injure
  • ·         If they ignoring their diseases
  • ·         If they feels surface is hard even they slept on soft mattresses also.
  • ·         Paralysis
  • ·         If Nose blood bleeding, when they are washing their face.
  • ·         If they saying don’t touch me
  • ·         If they irritate to answer

Some more details about Arnica or Patients symptoms:

  • ·         Arnica homeopathy medicine is best medicine for women, those who are suffering with pain problems after delivery. Simultaneously arnica may useful also at the time of delivery also. Arnica will stop more bleeding.

  • ·         Those who suffering with joint problems or arthritis, they may live in fear.  Why because they feels that anybody touches them, their arthritis or joint pains may raise more. Their body parts some places shows as hot and some parts shows as coll. If you touch their head you feel it’s hot and if you touch their stomach and legs you will feel its cool. This is one of major symptom of Arnika required people.

  • ·         Those pesons pains will rose in tema climate. They will cough at the time of they crying. This is specialized symptom.

  • ·         When people do hard work, Then they feel body pains are started. Its common a thing for anybody those who did a hard work their body may suffer. In this situation also Arnica homeo medicine will give better results.

  • ·         Arnica is the best medicine to who those feels Legs required pillow instead of head at the time of sleeping. (Don’t think about patients physiological disorder on this feeling). Their body feels comfortable with this type of arrangements. Arnika will help them in blood circulation.

  • ·         Arnica is also useful for Typhoid patients also. They suffer with high fever. Their head nuduru looks like hot and their other parts looks like cool. Disorder will come from their body sweat. They do urine on bed why because they don’t know about that.     
"Disclaimer: This Blog/site or post/article for just awareness of homeopathy only. Not for advice of medicine. If anybody interest to use homeopathy medicine please contact to your doctor. We are not responsible for any issue”

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ferrament Homeopathy Medicine for blood deficiency

Ferramentas is Homeo medicine. Ferrament is made from metal of iron. Dr. Hahnemann was introduced ferrament medicine to homeopathy. This metal (iron) is very useful for production of hemoglobin. Red blood cells will provide oxygen to entire our body. Iron will enter in to our body through consuming food, so food main source for supply of iron to our body. If we consume less content of iron food, then our body will face blood deficiency.

Ferrament is specialized medicine for those who are facing weakness in childhood.    


blood deficiency, soft mentality and irritation

This ferrament medicine is useful for girls those who are becoming young from their childhood. It means starting of menses time.  Simultaneously it is useful to those women entering in to menopause stage.  Menopause stage women are not to be tolerating little bit sounds also. They can irritate always. They can show angry. they will  Abuse to others, They will shame others.  . 

These persons moods will change when they are with some other persons. They can skid from topic to other topic when they are talking with others. These persons become aggressive with small, small things only. When they talk with others they will irritate. So these people want to live alone. They will not mingle with society or public.

Body pains will raise with body moments. Their body will not support to sit stable also. In this stage face become as reddish or glow less. This symptoms will repeat with small hard work also.

Head pain will raise facing like hammer beats, when these persons suffering with headaches.  If they try to eat something or try to drink water headache will raise more. Vomiting sensation will start and they will vomit.     

At the time of pregnancy veins become as fat. Doctors will decide this is varicose veins.
These persons would not like eggs. If they eat eggs they have to face some sufferings.


blood deficiency, One side headache,  Vomiting, Chronic fatigue syndrome, joint pains

How to recognize those who need ferrament:

Over confidence people,
Dictatorial / Totalitarian Nature ,
If they feel irritation to attend works, which works they did not like….
If they not accept small sounds
If they feels hammering beats in left side of head
Indication, Vomiting and motions
If they feels unnecessary hungry
In these patients major symptom is blood deficiency.  But, Doctors will suggest ferrament homeopathy medicine only for the cause of blood deficiency.

Ferrament required persons looks like more hungry, hungrier or they never feel hungry. When they hungry they will eat more and they will not satisfy with that food. Or they did not want to eat anything. If they eats something they feel vomiting sensation and they vomit also…

Saturday, May 9, 2015


Platinum introduced as homeo medicine in 1735 to Columbia people. In these modern days Platinum is a specialized metal. This platinum metal is more valuable than Gold and Silver metals.

Dr. Staph and Dr. Grass is students of Hahnemann. They did researches on Platinum and they introduced Platina as a medicine in Homeopathy.  Platina Homeo medicine is most useful for those who are more ego persons, More Head Strong persons, most arrogant persons and those who have more sexual feelings.

Platina is most useful for women those who are suffering from sexual problems and menses problems.

Platina requires those people thinks a lot about their past life. Those who feels nobody is recognizing to them. With this type of feeling they live faraway from society. So they will become introvert.

People feels ,They belongs to Kingdom dynasty  family. Generally, female persons live like this type of feeling more than male persons.


 Heavy menses, Menses pain, bells pals, Sexual un-happiness, Herpes Blistering,  Fears, Constipation

Platina patients Symptoms:

  • ·         Over Confidence, Did not care anybody, Sexual madness
  • ·         Physical problem increase and decrease
  • ·         Over reaction on small, small issues
  • ·         Will not take care and not to support own children
  • ·         Abdominal pain, menses bleeding like bums and strings

Some more details about platina and platina patients:

  • In this patients three type of diseases can seen. First one is Psychological symptoms change. with this nerves system and  sexual feelings will change unlikely.

  • Second one is Ego/Proud personalities, They feel more ego. They will try to show their ego each and every step. They could not care anybody. They feel we are superiors.

  • Third one is Psychological hysteria. In these persons mental balance is very low. Moods will change each and every minute. They feel moody and they smile suddenly. They will get fear suddenly.

  • In these  person’s peculiar symptom is  if Physical suffering raises,  psychological symptoms will be reduced, If psychological symptoms become as abnormal then Physical sufferings will come down.
"Disclaimer: This Blog/site or post/article for just awareness of homeopathy only. Not for advice of medicine. If anybody interest to use homeopathy medicine please contact to your doctor. We are not responsible for any issue”

Graphites Medicine for Skin Deseases

Graphite is an organic salt. There are lot of industrial benefits with graphite. Hahnemann researched on graphite and introduced in Homeopathic Medicine. Graphitesis an organic salt. There are lot of industrial benefits with graphite. Hahnemann researched on graphites and introduced in Homeopathic Medicine.

Graphites is best medicine for hard workers.


Constipation, Piles, ulcer, Cancer, puss in the ear, psoriasis, sex problems, Obesity, Injection of eyes

How to recognize Graphites persons

Oysters on top of the skin, Damage on Nails, Obesity, menses delay, big spots on fore head,

Some more details about Graphites:
  •  Skin will not look like healthy, when injury happens or in the event of injury that injury will not diminish.  That injury can take the pus.
  • Nails would not look like healthy.Cracks In the end of the fingers,  Cracks in the end of breast nipple, 
  • Cracks at the Corners of the mouth and Cracks between the fingers of the feet
  • The intolerance of air cold will be happen soon
  • ·Hearing will be reduced. But when travelling in bus and train hearing will be high than relatively. 

Palstilla and Graphites most use full medicine for female. But Palstilla is usefull for young people and Graphites is use full for oldage people. 

In the selecting of Homeo medicine its depends on Body strength, Age, Life Style, Profession  etc.,

Graphites is specialized medicine for skin diseases. Two elements take importance. One is Obesity second one is Oysters on top of the skin.

As per Dr. Kent Graphites good medicine for scars.

Graphites is good for breast milk feeding mothers. If milk is not coming out from breast nipple then Graphites is usefull medicine for that mothers.

Those who have Psoriasis in the palm, Graphites will work on that Psoriasis. 

"Disclaimer: This Blog/site or post/article for just awareness of homeopathy only. Not for advice of medicine. If anybody interest to use homeopathy medicine please contact to your doctor. We are not responsible for any issue”